Monday, July 31, 2006

I WANT BLOOD!!!!! (Perhaps yours?)

So - there is a development in the story regarding MC and Faceless Ugly Work Girl.

Saturday night just passed, went out with friends S and L and colleague (note: colleague not friend) PG. Had fabulous cocktails and above average dinner.

Now, it has become apparent to me that when S very kindly gave PG a lift home, she told him to keep it a secret from me but that MC is dating a dental nurse from The Institution. And apparently? "They're a good match."





WHAT THE FUCK?????????

First of all, PG: How do you know they're a good match? You don't even know him. As a matter of fact - you don't even know me. So you shouldn't talk shit about things you have not a clue in your tiny little hollow head about.

Secondly: I am damned sick and tired of your gossiping about me. Build a bridge and get over yourself and stop spreading shit about other people.

Thirdly: If you show your smug face in front of me again and fake a smile and cordiality, I may just hit you so hard you have to stick your toothbrush up your absolutely uptight arse to brush your teeth.

*ahhhh that feels better*

And for the record -no they are not dating.

Fuck fiction.

That's FACT.


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