Saturday, August 26, 2006


These sort of strange things could only happen to me.

On my way home from The Institution several days ago, I received a text message.

Msg: "Thanks for the other night. You were amazing. Want to catch up again?"

Unfortunately, I have had a drought of amazing activity. Amazing activity seems to avoid me. In fact, we are currently barely on nodding terms.

My instant reaction was that this was a practical joke. Some one that I am friends with (why on earth would I be friends with these people???) must have gotten a mate to text me. So I rang the number.

Me: "Who's this?"

Stranger: "Who's this?"

Me: "Who are you?"

Stranger: "You called me!"

Me: "You messaged me!"

Stranger: "Sarah?? It's Stranger!"

Me: "Uh....noooo. I'm not Sarah..."

*stunned silence*

*bewildered laughter*

Stranger: "Oh my god! I'm so sorry I'm so embarassed."

Me: "That's okay. Congratulations on having an amazing night."

You'd think that would be the end of it.

However - to my amazement (oooh! something amazing!) as I drove home, I received another text message. A picture message. A close up view of Stranger's erect penis with the attached note "As promised..." From this point forth, we shall refer to Stranger as Dick-man.

Another message followed: "So sorry. How embarassing. I even sent a pic. Ahhh. Pretty funny though..."

Ten minutes later, another message. Another picture. Another penis.

Followed by another message: "Sorry again. Hope you have a good night...Dick-man."

I didn't know whether to feel harassed or amused.

And I thought that was the end of it.

It's now two days later, and I continue to receive messages on my phone from Dick-man. Sometimes asking me what I'm doing that day, what my favourite food is, what my favourite sexual position is, and if I'm enjoying the weather.

Now, Dick-man has been told, you are messaging the wrong person, and yet, he seems to really want to chat to me. And send a third picture of his penis.

Is this a random, friendly and somewhat perverted stranger? Or is this someone indirectly related to me in some way playing a practical joke?

(Thankyou to those of you who managed to get to the end of this rather long-winded post.)


Blogger Kissaki said...

Just as an update. Dick-man has sent me yet another picture of his testicles this time, and is having a one way text-sex conversation with me.

He needs a hobby.

Actually, this is probably it.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you freaked?

12:21 PM  
Blogger Kissaki said...

It's actually mildly amusing.

Who doesn't enjoy receiving random pictures of genitalia?

Fun! Fun! Fun!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Cash said...

I'd send a couple of pics of a transvestite and some male genitalia back to him. If he keeps messaging ya, then yes, he's a perv!

8:34 PM  
Blogger Kissaki said...

Dick-man assures me he's not a psycho, just finds my voice intriguing and looking to make new friends if nothing more.



He's a psycho right????

9:56 PM  

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