Sunday, September 17, 2006


I'm hoping things are starting to move, wheels starting to turn, life starting to unfold in a different direction. Life has been rife with stagnation recently. Which is odd, because actually, loads of things have been happening:

  • I've bought an apartment
  • Ra-Row has come to visit and is leaving tomorrow
  • My home loan consultant, Voltage, has (I'm pretty sure about this) been flirting with me

Actually, in list form, it seems like hardly anything has happened. So stagnation is right.


Because I'm tired of talking about my inert life, I'm going to pick on a hapless celebrity:

So Britney Spears has sprung forth another unfortunate infant, Sutton Pierce. Same initials as her other son, Sean Preston. This is a mean thing to say, but since becoming a mother, I've never seen Britney look so damn unattractive - aren't mothers meant to glow or some shit like that? Glow? Or let themselves go? I forget which one.

I suppose we have to give her credit for not being afraid to be who she really is - white trash who looks like some of the patients I see in Mullet Country.


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