Thursday, June 14, 2007


I am supposed to finish my employment tomorrow. However, I actually finished today. Yesterday, Dr Evil told the receptionists to cancel all my appointments for tomorrow. Needless to say, I was a bit suprised when I came in for work today.

What is happening is essentially a perfect example of what happens if you give someone enough rope - they hang themself. He's been an arsehole, and now he's paying the price.

I was due to cease my employment this week. Last week, another dentist, AD, handed his notice in, and two days ago, the other dentist, GB, handed in her resignation.

Dr Evil believes this to be a conspiracy to bring his practice down and that I'm behind it. Hence, the early forced departure.

Unfortunately for him, I'm totally thrilled. I get an earlymark!!!

I decided to collect some severance pay: a box of gloves so I can clean my apartment out and a bottle of topical anaesthetic pellets. I like to rub them on mosquito bites.


Blogger Dr. Mommy, D.D.S. said...

congratulations are in order!

as for dr. evil, let the jerk believe what he wants to believe. no sweat off your back, and he's not going to change no matter what. mean people always get what's coming to them.

5:34 AM  

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